Monday, June 24, 2019

Is it Too Risky? Your Data Security Questions Answered

is-it-too-risky-your-data-security-questions-answered.jpg Data security is a major concern in today’s digital landscape, and for good reason. There are a number of harmful cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities - including Trojans, Viruses, Malwares and hackers - that could put your company information in danger of a data security breach. Unfortunately, many companies don’t prioritize cybersecurity until it’s too late. Putting your company data in the wrong hands can lead to costly consequences for your business. But when you partner with Alert, you can rest assured knowing we will maintain the best practices to keep your business data safe and protected. To demonstrate our commitment to cybersecurity, we even created a company-wide cybersecurity initiative that includes several key features to monitor and prevent cyber threats.

Cutting-Edge Endpoint Protection

As computers, tablets and other devices often open the doors to security threats, cutting-edge endpoint protection is an integral part of our cybersecurity initiative. With endpoint protection, it is possible to effectively block the vulnerable access points used to send viruses and malware through the systems. We go beyond using simple antivirus software to protect your company data and instead employ innovative tools and techniques. Cyber threats are constantly changing; therefore, we frequently modify our strategies to give your company the ultimate in data protection.

Advanced Security Monitoring with Machine Learning

Machine learning plays a critical role in our cybersecurity initiative. As a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), it helps systems automatically learn and improve from experience without explicit instructions. With our machine learning network scanning and alerting processes, we have the ability to monitor your network traffic and automatically detect and block threats to keep your data safe. The system learns from every interaction to build its own robust threat recognition algorithms. This enables us to take a proactive approach to preventing security threats, as they grow more sophisticated by the day.

Network and Web Systems Administration and Auditing

In an effort to protect and maintain your company data, we regularly audit network and web systems to detect potential threats. This includes vulnerability and penetration testing of these key systems and web portals to reveal weak spots that require improved security. We even take it a step further by providing backup data retention. Through this process, we can recover and restore deleted, formatted or lost data, ensuring we maintain your data despite any issue that may arise.

Security-Minded Employee Training

To effectively carry out our cybersecurity initiative, we ensure our team remains up-to-date on all the latest security threats and prevention methods. Ongoing training keeps them well-informed and enables them to support our various efforts to keep your data secure. They can confidently avoid high-risk activities and report all issues to the correct team members. As our team collaborates to proactively address any threats and vulnerabilities, your company data remains safe and inaccessible to external sources.

Keep Your Business Data Safe with Alert

At Alert, we are committed to safeguarding your business data while it’s in our systems. Through the use of innovative tools and solutions, we can go beyond simple antivirus protection to ensure the security of your data. We also provide backup and system recovery to ensure your data is never lost. If you have more questions about how we keep our clients’ data safe from security threats, call us at 844-MY-INTAKE or leave us a message through our contact form. We’re here to give you peace of mind about your cybersecurity needs. is-it-too-risky-your-data-security-questions-answered.png

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