Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Local Buzz-Go Beyond Local Search

Go Beyond Local Search Related Posts:Getting Started With Lead GenerationLocal Business Owners: How to Tackle Search Engine Updates and Generate LeadsLocal SEO for Enterprises and Small BusinessesDoes Your Business Have Local Exposure?Standardize Local SEO Management and Drive ROI for Multiple Locations

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Help me make bail - I'm an MDA Jailbird!

Believe it or not, I'm going to jail and I need your help. While it's not a real jail, it's even more important as I'm raising bail to help children and adults with muscle disease in my community who are supported by the vital work of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). I might not be able to rely on good behavior to get out so that's why I need your help - I need you to donate to my bail! Just click on the donation button to make a secure donation - I know that together we'll Make a Muscle and Make a Difference in the fight against muscle disease. Ed Kundahl

Monday, April 28, 2014

What Business Owners Need to Know About Citations and Local SEO

Local SEO is the focused application of SEO techniques to the promotion of a business within a particular geographic location, generally the area local to the business itself. Local SEO strategies help raise the profile of small, region-specific businesses that would otherwise be overshadowed by businesses that are not specific to a region. This distinction is helpful because not all areas are equally served by large businesses. Big box plumbing supply stores might carry the heaviest SEO weight, but people living in far-flung communities may not be served by such a business. A local solution must be found and this is where local SEO strategies really come into play.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Video Marketing Works

Video Attracts & Converts Video Drives Traffic: Video attracts 3x as many monthly visitors, doubles their time on site, and increases organic traffic from search engines by 157%. The average website visitor spends 88% more time on a website that contains video.  46% of people say they’d be more likely to seek out information about a product or service after seeing it  in an online video. Posts with video are given extra weight in the algorithms. They have higher engagement rates than posts with just plain text or links. The combination of videos and photos are the key to super exposure!  Video Helps PR-VIDEO IN PRESS RELEASES = MORE VIEWS, IT’S THAT SIMPLE. Each element of a multimedia release is distributed separately and can attract  its own audience - Videos are distributed to more than 70 video-specific portals. Video Convinces Consumers to Buy-Visitors who watch product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not.  52% of consumers say that watching produ

Friday, April 25, 2014

SEO Provides The Most Traffic

A study by Conductor shows 54% discover new sites via search engines/SEO, followed by email (51%), social (32%) and paid search marketing (18%).Related Posts:Get SEO From BusinessCreator And Grow Your BusinessThe Who, What, Why, How and When of Barnacle SEOComprehensive Internet Marketing Campaigns

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Video Marketing Services

BusinessCreator provides the very best in video production and marketing at all levels and in multiple channels. Video marketing has become the true key to success in internet advertising and lead generation. Expertly managed YouTube Video Advertising programs, combined with video syndication and distribution, produce immediate results for larger national product and service companies, regional service companies, and in the lead generation space. This is your time to step up to the new reality-we will find your customers wherever they are and deliver them to you with a message and user experience that guarantees interest and ACTION! We are a top video marketing firm in Allentown, PA, servicing Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and the Lehigh Valley as well as national clients. GET SEEN-GET RESULTS with Internet Video Marketing! And the best news is that the costs are very reasonable. Imagine being able to start dominating your business category or niche for about the same monthly budget yo

VIDEO is your NEW business card

        Video is your new business card. Internet video marketing is now accessible in a very affordable and effective suite of services. Video production in HD Digital formats allows you to create a large, engaging footprint that will boost your rankings and visibility in local internet search. For video production and video marketing analysis and custom package quotes, visit us at or give us a call at 855-943-8736. Video Marketing Agency Allentown, PA | Bethlehem | Lehigh ValleyYouTube Advertising Management Video Syndication and Video DistributionMobile Video Marketing Solution and QR Code VideoHD Digital Video Production Related Posts:Fine Tuning Your Video SEOClimbing the Ranks with SEO VideoThe Mobile Revolution Is Here-Join NowPOWER UP Your Social Media with VIDEOScripts and Transcripts for SEO Video

The Mobile Revolution Is Here-Join Now

Mobile marketing is exploding. Smart phones and tablets continue to break sales records and now outnumber computers as consumers demand information and video content on the go. We provide the ultimate mobile/video platform to engage your customers, easily accessed by any smart phone or tablet device, by scanning your unique QR code, or via a link delivered by a text or email message. Customers can check out your current specials, connect with your social media, find your location with map function, view specific information about your products and services, make a reservation or appointment, buy from you online. Our industry leading tracking and analytics and eye-popping custom QR codes, round out the package that puts you on the Glide path to success. No video content? No problem. Your professionally produced HD commercial is included in your package. We do it all for you. Start growing your business with our mobile/video solution. Let's get started today.  Call 1-855-943-8736 and v

POWER UP Your Social Media with VIDEO

Were you aware that video content distributed across all of your social media accounts creates MORE TRAFFIC, interest and action from potential customers and clients?

POWER UP Your Social Media with VIDEO

Were you aware that video content distributed across all of your social media accounts creates MORE TRAFFIC, interest and action from potential customers and clients?

POWER UP Your Social Media with VIDEO

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Getting Started With Lead Generation

In traditional marketing parlance, lead generation is the term used to talk about how a business can motivate a customer to purchase a product or service, enroll in particular program, or otherwise further the business relationship. Lead generation means much the same thing today as it always has, though the methods used to generate those leads have changed a great deal. Businesses now have to think about lead generation as taking place within a very different customer environment. No longer are sales leads generated only by interactions with customers on the sales floor. The sales floor is now online, on mobile devices, and on social media. A new way of thinking about lead generation is necessary in order to apply this essential piece of sales wisdom to the current marketing environment.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Does Local SEO Make Sense for Your Business?

Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques have been successfully used by all kinds of businesses. Large and small organizations are getting found by search engine users faster than ever and people are now able to find highly specific content with less effort. A new and powerful SEO strategy is emerging to address the service needs of people living within a geographically specific community. While anyone with an Internet connection can search for an online store to purchase a particular item from, this strategy is less useful when a customer requires a service provider. Electricians, plumbers, builders, doctors, veterinarians – anyone providing a service is most likely to be serving the people who live and work in the same community. These are the service providers who most need to be thinking about local SEO. Recognize Where People Are Looking for You If you have a standard website, you can incorporate local place names into your visible copy. There are three place names that you

Friday, April 18, 2014

Online Reputation Management: Content & Social Media, Not Fake Reviews

 In 2013, Dimensional Research carried out a study sponsored by a software company. While the research was about customer service and how it affects sales of midsize companies, researchers uncovered nuggets that changed the way people look at online reputation management forever. Those nuggets are as follows: 86% of respondents said negative reviews influenced their buying decisions 90% said positive reviews influenced their buying decisions In today’s online world, it will be a huge mistake to ignore reviews about you or your business on the Internet. More so, it will be a bigger mistake to leave everything to chance, wishing that satisfied customers post the best testimonials while disgruntled ones keeping their opinions to themselves. Your target buyers are out there researching for you on the Internet and are looking for an excuse not to deal with you. Don’t give it to them. Reputation: More than Just Consumer Reviews Indeed consumer reviews have been proven powerful in shapi

Google TrueView and AdWords Working Together

Advertising on online video content is nothing new to Internet users but the way that advertising and video content is being combined is constantly changing. Not long ago Google’s well-known AdWords system was applied to video content and the TrueView ad system further adapted advertising to user activity. The TrueView system gives viewers more control over the advertisements they see by selecting what they view and when. Since advertisers only pay for ads that are seen by viewers, the money spent on video-based advertising is ultimately more effective. Together, TrueView and AdWords provide advertisers with some powerful promotional tools. Targeted Spending for a More Responsive Ad Campaign Giving viewers the option to view or skip past an advertisement results in a more engaged viewer; opting into the viewing experience indicates interest. TrueView ads that occur within the video stream (“in-stream”) can result in click-through rates of 4% or higher. Though this percentage mig

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fine Tuning Your Video SEO

Now that there are a number of tried-and-true strategies for applying the principles of SEO to video content, we can expect to see more people making video content with these principles in mind. Even though the practical considerations of video production will allow the strongest content to rise above the rest, there are bound to be a number of videos created that meet the standard of video SEO but that nonetheless fail to live up to their full potential. Video creators need to be aware of the many small details that go into making a video that rises in the ranks and remains near the top. Views, Shares, Comments, and Links Search engines look for content that is likely to be most relevant to the search engine user. A piece of content that has already received numerous page views is likely to be weighted more heavily than a piece of similar content with very few views. Encouraging viewers to like, share, and comment on a video helps make that video into a piece of highly relevant conte

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Scripts and Transcripts for SEO Video

SEO video content is ultimately about the video – right? Actually, though the video is the centerpiece of this particular form of SEO content, like any specialized form of content there are actually a number of other careful choices and strategic development that goes into supporting that central element. So even though a piece of video content will help the page it is on see increased traffic as the content climbs the ranks of search engine results pages, this does not occur simply because it is a video. In other words, even though a piece of video content is likely to be judged as more relevant by search engine algorithms, two similar videos are likely to have very different positions on that final results page. The reason for this lies in the supportive text associated with the video.  Start With the Script Your script is going to be a central component of the finished product and it will be a big part of the SEO value of the video content. Specifically, once the script has been

Strategies for Connecting with Mobile Users

Mobile devices have shifted Internet use from a strictly stationary activity to one that occurs while users are on the move. Smart phones, tablet computers, e-readers, and other Internet-enabled mobile devices allow users to conduct online searches, connect through social media accounts, and consume online content from just about anywhere. According to a 2011 study conducted by Google on the activity of smart phone users, 93% of smart phone users used their device at home and 87% used them on the go. Connecting with this growing population is easy and can be accomplished in a number of ways. Content Made for Mobile DevicesThere are two particular forms of content that are made especially for mobile devices: Mobile image ads and mobile search ads. These ads should supplement a website that is already designed to be responsive to mobile devices and can be your primary promotional strategy.Mobile image ads – These are small advertisements saved as basic image files. They are designed

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Process For Getting Online Customer Reviews

What are reviews, value of reviews and getting customer reviews.

Top Ten Local SEO Strategies

Local SEO Strategies Internet Marketers are using to dominate Local Searches.

Climbing the Ranks with SEO Video

Many business owners are by now familiar with the fundamental techniques of search engine optimization. Though some people were hesitant to make SEO a significant part of their website’s infrastructure, this form of content creation is already having a lasting impact. Even online videos are now incorporating ad words into their indexing structure. This allows video content to be treated as any other form of content that is being optimized for search engine visibility. SEO video allows you to deliver value-rich content to website visitors while simultaneously making your website a lot more accessible. Is Making Video Content Worthwhile? If you have conducted any searches lately using your preferred online search engine, you have probably noticed that video files hosted by major sites like YouTube are being returned near the top of the results page. The search engines return these results in part because these items of content have been optimized for search engine visibility through t

Monday, April 14, 2014

Local SEO for Enterprises and Small Businesses

Local SEO for Enterprises and Small Businesses Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Local SEO (LSEO) campaigns can give the local small businesses an edge over their larger competitors.  Google algorithms increasingly alter search results based on GPS user data from mobile devices.  In addition, typical Google searchers increasingly use Google to find Continue reading The post Local SEO for Enterprises and Small Businesses appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Who, What, Why, How and When of Barnacle SEO

The Who, What, Why, How and When of Barnacle SEO Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business In the world of SEO, there seems to be no shortage of trends that come—and go—promising to help businesses everywhere to improve search result rankings. Some such trends are flighty and short-lived while others are far much more than trends Continue reading The post The Who, What, Why, How and When of Barnacle SEO appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Does Your Business Have Local Exposure?

Does Your Business Have Local Exposure? Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Businesses often underestimate the importance of local connections. Does your business have the local exposure it needs to succeed? Edward Kundahl, Ph.D., and

Characteristics of Responsive Web Design

The number of people accessing the Internet via their smart phones and other mobile devices has risen significantly in the past few years. As these devices become more affordable they will become even more commonplace. Mobile devices offer users distinct advantages when it comes to Internet usage. A user can conduct a search for a restaurant, nightclub, movie theater, or any other local establishment and be directed to the business’s website or physical address with just a click. Businesses with a website created with the principles of responsive web design (RWD) are more prepared to engage with the millions of people already using mobile devices.What is Responsive Web Design?Simply put, responsive web design is a set of principles that are adhered to in order to create a website that requires a minimum of scrolling and resizing in order to be visible on a range of devices. Accessing a website using a desktop computer, laptop, or smart phone should be equally convenient and user-fri

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mobile Searching Counts

Mobile Searching Counts Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Is Your Mobile Advertising Getting the NearYou Treatment?  There are millions of mobile devices in use every day all around the world. In fact, more and more people are moving way from the desktop and into the world of mobile Continue reading The post Mobile Searching Counts appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Three Unique Mobile Marketing Strategies

Many small business owners wonder what the best online marketing strategy is.  However, there is no “one size fits all” path to success. Mobile device usage is huge.  There are numerous mobile marketing strategies that range from popup notifications in custom apps for small businesses to coupons sent directly to smartphones. Below is a list of three unique mobile marketing strategies for different market segments:Strategy #1: Redefine Local e-CommerceIn the past, local e-commerce and storefronts were almost completely mutually exclusive.  Combine local e-commerce with browsing by allowing individuals to purchase items from their mobile devices which they can pick up from your local storefront later that day.  Capitalize on the convenience on e-commerce and the extra money made due to impulse purchases.  Mobile devices allow users to be online throughout the day.  Use mobile apps and websites to make purchases easier for customers, from takeout food to large items of furnitu

Loyalty Programs Are Effective In Customer Retention

Loyalty programs are proven effective in retaining your most profitable customers. Expand your program to include mobile technology and watch your results soar. Kundahl, Ph.D., and www.BusinessCreatorPlus.comThe post Loyalty Programs Are Effective In Customer Retention appeared first on Smartest Phone Apps.

Looking For New Clients?

Looking For New Clients? Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Looking for new clients? With our BusinessCreatorPlus program, they find you. Our solutions include: maximizing local marketing search engine ranking content marketing web site design evaluation-we fix $500 websites competitive analysis text and code optimization identifying keywords that drive quality Continue reading The post Looking For New Clients? appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Video SEO Strategies on YouTube

Video SEO Strategies on YouTube Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Video SEO (VSEO) has become increasingly popular in recent years.  YouTube is currently the second largest search engine, and it is owned by search engine giant Google.  VSEO campaigns on YouTube have a unique twist.  In addition to acting as Continue reading The post Video SEO Strategies on YouTube appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Mobile Marketing For Local Businesses

Mobile Marketing For Local Businesses Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Mobile marketing has more possibilities than ever before for local businesses.  Generate leads, increase visibility, and provide greater ease of use for customers with different mobile marketing strategies.  It is important to find the mobile marketing strategy that works best Continue reading The post Mobile Marketing For Local Businesses appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mobile-Friendly Websites

Mobile-Friendly Websites Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Google gives preferential rankings to mobile-friendly websites.  Invest in a mobile website to promote your local business.  The core of local search engine optimization can be seen among mobile searchers.  Keep your site rankings high, especially in a limited market Continue reading The post Mobile-Friendly Websites appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Standardize Local SEO Management and Drive ROI for Multiple Locations

Standardize Local SEO Management and Drive ROI for Multiple Locations Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Recent research on search trends cannot be ignored.  SEO has changed dramatically in the past two years due to the increased prevalence of mobile search and preferential search rankings given to local storefronts.  It is crucial that business owners align Continue reading The post Standardize Local SEO Management and Drive ROI for Multiple Locations appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

SMS Marketing

Capitalize on current events or conditions with SMS marketing. By sending text messages to your customers at key times, you can “strike while the iron is hot.” Kundahl, Ph.D., and www.BusinessCreatorPlus.comThe post SMS Marketing appeared first on Smartest Phone Apps.

Why a Mobile App is No Substitute for a Mobile Website

Adoption of mobile apps as part of an overall marketing effort is growing among small businesses. These can be useful tools for companies that want to take advantage of the latest technology and are willing to invest in them.However, caution is urged to anyone who thinks that by creating a mobile app they can avoid creating a mobile website as well. One cannot take the place of the other as they each serve different needs.Following are some of the reasons why a mobile website is still very much needed when you have a mobile app:A Website is PermanentYou are the only one who can delete your website but anyone who has downloaded your mobile app can also delete it. Without a corresponding mobile website, your presence to that customer would then be completely non-existent.A Website is More AffordableIt is far less expensive to create and maintain a mobile site than a mobile app. The development of an app must include different versions to support various smartphone platforms. Additionall

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Local SEO and Social Media Marketing for Local Businesses

Local SEO and Social Media Marketing for Local Businesses Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business There is a trend in big data and visibility in internet marketing.  Major social media platforms such as social media networking giants, local business listing services, and blogs grant users the ability to share information about businesses on a large Continue reading The post Local SEO and Social Media Marketing for Local Businesses appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Social Media Marketing Is Not Easy

Social Media Marketing Is Not Easy Dominate The Search Results Pages - Linking New Customers To Your Business Social media marketing for business is not as easy as it might appear.  Business owners need to think of measurable objectives for social media marketing campaigns instead of posting cute pictures of their pets.  Social media marketing can promote brand Continue reading The post Social Media Marketing Is Not Easy appeared first on Dominate The Search Results Pages.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why Mobile Customer Service Matters

With more and more online activity taking place on mobile devices, the need to direct your small business’ marketing efforts to that platform is critical. In today’s world, a mobile website is a must but that should only be the beginning of your mobile marketing efforts.With your website as the hub, your overall marketing program should include a variety of other activities. One aspect of your business in particular that can benefit from mobile technology is customer service, particularly the use of a mobile app.Mobile Means ImmediateAt least in the minds of customers, that is. The businesses that succeed the most with mobile users are those that make interactions fast, easy and immediate. When a question arises, if a customer is forced to rely on email or a phone call, he or she is far more likely to leave a business than if the question can be answered within the existing interface.You can create native customer service mobile apps or tailor off-the-shelf apps to the needs of yo

The Need For Mobile Apps

For today’s savvy businesses, a mobile presence should include not just a mobile website but a mobile app as well. A mobile app allows you to personalize more of your customer interactions and increase customer loyalty. Kundahl, Ph.D., and www.BusinessCreatorPlus.comThe post The Need For Mobile Apps appeared first on Smartest Phone Apps.