Thursday, January 24, 2019

What Can You Do to Make Your Website Redesign Smoother?

Every month we meet with business owners and executives who would like to have a new website, but don’t particularly want to go through the hassle of having one designed and coded. They want to start selling more over the web, but feel like it’s going to be an overwhelming journey. Luckily, there are number of things you can do to make your website redesign project go faster and smoother. They may even save you time and money. If nothing else, they’ll help you to prevent the kinds of headaches so many business people run into on the path to a fresh web presence. GOOGLES-MOBILE-FIRST-INDEX.jpg Let’s look at a few things you can do to turn the process of getting your new-and-improved website into a breeze…

Find the Right Web Design Partner

This is the one crucial step that will affect all the others, so it’s important to get this decision right. You want to hire a creative team with great artistic instincts, of course, but also a reputation for getting real-world results. Don’t settle for a web designer who can’t help you turn your vision into something that makes your business more profitable.

Start by Auditing Your Current Website

A good web design partner is going to begin by auditing your existing website. That means they’ll look through your layout, your content, and even your coding to see what is and is not working. They can also spot problems that cause customers to leave, or search engines to ignore you. Then, they can use those findings as a basis to help you create an even better website.

Establish Your Business Goals

Whether your existing website is looking outdated or you just want to give your online marketing a fresh spark, try to figure out what it is you’re hoping to accomplish – in a bottom line business sense – with your site. If you can communicate those wishes to your designer, they can guide you in the right direction and make better recommendations.

Think in Terms of Technical Upgrades

Even if you aren’t someone who cares much about technical details, you should know there are some “must-have” items for your new business website. For instance, you’ll want to be sure your design is going to be responsive and compatible with mobile devices. Other factors like SSL connectivity could be important, too. Ask your web designer what you need to make sure your new site will stay relevant for years to come.

Make a Home for Your New Website

Most businesses will keep an existing domain name when they upgrade a website, but if you do need to make a change (or if you have several domains registered) then you should use the one with the most growth potential. Additionally, you’ll want to pick out a premium web hosting package before you launch your new site so you’ll know it will load quickly and come with good security features.

Give Prompt and Useful Feedback

At some point, your web designer is going to ask you for feedback on layout options. The faster you respond, and the more specific you are with your requests for revisions, the quicker you’ll get the finished product you need… and the more likely you are to get the perfect website for your business.

Gather Your Web Content

If your web designer has to wait weeks or months for you to gather text, images, and logos, it’s going to delay the launch of your new website. Make a list of all the assets that will be required early on, and then generate them in-house or hire professionals (like writers and photographers) to take care of the details. Either way, this is an area where you don’t want to procrastinate.

Plan for a Successful Rollout

Getting your new website online is only the first step. Throughout the design process, you should work with your creative team to find out how you can promote your new web presence once it goes live. This could involve initial email blasts and social promotion, along with ongoing content creation, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising. Regardless of what you’ve experienced in the past, or what you might’ve heard from friends and colleagues, getting the website you need doesn’t have to be a headache. Just follow the steps we’ve outlined here and you’ll be enjoying a new layout – and a stronger, more profitable company – in no time! Need help tying your online strategy together in a way that actually works? Call the BusinessCreator team today and let us get to work for you! 855-943-8736. Edward Lott, Ph.D., M.B.A. President and Managing Partner BusinessCreator, Inc. Ed can be reached at 855-943-8736 610-437-8822

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