Thursday, February 22, 2018

Who You Gonna Call? — See Also

Bendini-Lambert-and-Locke.jpgWE’VE MADE A HELPFUL CHART TO HELP IN-HOUSE COUNSEL KNOW WHEN THEY SHOULD CALL IN THE BIG GUNS: Well, “helpful” might be an exaggeration.

REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU STAND ON #METOO, THIS “PUNISHMENT” HELPS NOBODY: A bunch of women accuse a guy of sexual harassment. Option A: You believe the claims to be truthful, and you fire the guy. Option B: You don’t believe the claims, and you leave the guy alone. The Option where you let the guy resign as Dean but keep him on as your highest paid professor is not a “option” so much as a move of pure idiocy that SOLVES NOTHING.

PRESIDENT BANKRUPTCY MAY CLARIFY STUDENT LOAN BANKRUPTCY: Trump, the King of moral and financial bankruptcy, might actually know how to reform rules here in a way that makes sense.

LAW FIRMS SHOULD PROVIDE STUDENT LOAN ASSISTANCE TO THEIR LAWYERS: ATL-Columnist Jordan Rothman is significantly younger than me and thus might not have learned all of the lessons from Bendini Lambert and Locke. But, trust me, if a Firm offers to pay your debts and buy you a house in Memphis… rest assured that there’s an Albino monitoring your every move.

SCHOOL IS SUED OVER ITS ANTI-MUSLIM BULLYING CAMPAIGN: In our latest evidence for why we can’t have nice things.

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