Wednesday, July 16, 2014

4 Reasons Your Next Business Website Should be Designed in HTML5

HTML5 is something most business owners and executives have heard about, even if they aren't completely familiar with the details. That's understandable – there isn't any reason for you to worry about the programming behind your business website when you're busy actually running a business. If you are planning on launching a new website in the near future, however, or re-designing the one you already have, then there are some important reasons that you need to ensure that it's done in HTML5. Before we get into them, you should understand what HTML5 actually is. While it might sound like a complicated term, it's simply a new way of putting together the code that tells web browsers how to interpret the pages on your business site. There are entire books devoted to the subject, but what you should understand is that it's a lot simpler and cleaner than older versions of HTML, making it easier to use and less prone to problems and conflicts. That leads to a few important benefits every b

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